Why Moana Didn’t Make Me Cry
I cry at movies. On our first movie date, I startled my future husband with a teary breakdown in the theater that has gone on to become family legend. We were watching Toy Story 2. In my defense, movies entertain by causing us to experience a whole range of alternating emotions: joyful, fearful, happy, sad. It’s […]
Days of Future Passed
Not only is 2017 the 50th anniversary of Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, it’s the 50th anniversary of Days of Future Passed by the Moody Blues. The Moody Blues is on tour to celebrate the anniversary, and I was so excited when my husband got us great last minute seats to see them perform! Coming from […]
Orange Marmalade v. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
What does Buffy the Vampire Slayer, an American series that ran from 1997-2003 have in common with Orange Marmalade, a Korean drama that ran a total of 12 episodes 2015? Quite a lot, actually. Both are shows about vampires. They feature a female protagonist supported by strong ensemble cast. Both are about high school students, […]
School Live Like Life
I subscribe to Crunchyroll, which includes an anime series called School Live. If you’ve never seen Episode 1 of School Live, be warned, this post is a major spoiler. School Live appears to be an over the top moe anime series bursting with pink and purple sugary kawaii cuteness. Protagonist Yuki has pink wear and wears […]
Seaside Summer Reading
I’ve enjoyed a streak of awesome books for my summer reading. A recent favorite was All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr, which just won the 2015 Pulitzer Prize for fiction. There’s a quote from the book that appears twice in the text. Both times it hit me square in the heart and made me really feel for […]
10,000 steps
The origins of the 10,000 step goal. It’s cool to learn that something so integral to my daily life began way back in 1960’s Japan.
Cultivating compassion and my weird feet
I’ve always had weird feet. As a baby, I slept in this crazy device: saddle shoes attached to a metal bar that forced my feet apart. As I grew the bar went away, but I still had to wear orthopedic saddle shoes. My gym shoe options were restricted to the few models available in wide […]
If you’re happy and you know it
This month EdX is running a Massive Online Open Course offered by the University of Washington called: Becoming a Resilient Person- The Science of Stress Management. Life can get rough when I least expect it. Becoming a Resilient Person sounded like a good idea. I signed up. My takeaway from the first week of video lectures is […]
Who Organizes the Organizers?
When my husband and I first met he was crazy about a Britcom SciFi series called Red Dwarf. I have visceral memories of an early date, struggling to swallow cheese pizza while we watched a character’s space-flu-swelled head explode yellow mucus all over sick bay. My favorite character on Red Dwarf was Rimmer, an intolerable, […]
Philip K. Dick, Robotic Pets, and What is Love, Anyway?
I’m a cat fanatic. I share my life with an adorable Siamese. I love reading about cats, seeing pictures of cats, hearing friends talk about cats. I think you get the picture. A couple weeks ago an article titled Will Robots Replace Cats? grabbed my attention via the Cat Channel. The article talked about how robotic pets are already making […]